The development of BINUS UNIVERSITY library had been carried out since 1982 to support the university in achieving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, those are learning activities, research, and social services. The names of Binus library had undergone many times of changes that was in line with the change of its parent organization’s names. The first name was Akademi Teknik Komputer (ATK) library. In 1986 the name changed to Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer BINA NUSANTARA library, and finally since in 1996 the library name changed To BINUS UNIVERSITY library.
Library service to students and lecturers started in 1982. The library was located at Syahdan Campus, Jalan K.H. Syahdan no.9, Kemanggisan, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat. The library was located at the L building, first floor, having space of ±150m2. The service was still in closed access services. In line with BINUS UNIVERSITY development, the library service was also developed. In 1986 the library room was moved at the M building, first floor. Then, in 1994, the library was again moved at the K and J building, and the automation system was conducted by applying Visual Foxpro program. Meanwhile, the service was still in closed access service. A significant development happened in 1998 when the library was moved into a new modern building in Anggrek Campus, Jalan Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27 Jakarta Barat. The library was located at the third, fourth, and fifth floors having a space of 1.268m2.
Full library automation had been applied in 1999. The automated system was called Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan (SIPus), including acquisition, cataloguing, and circulation. The library had fully applied open access services, in which the users were independent to access library collections. An automated service was given to library users. The LKC aims to provide a better service to support the curriculum offering of the university. Additionally, it`s worth noting that this library, LKC (Library and Knowledge Center), is registered with the National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas) and has been assigned the National Library Control Number (NPP) 3173052D1014758. This registration highlights the library`s commitment to maintaining and preserving a wide range of valuable resources for the academic community and the general public.
In 2008, LKC moved to first floor, having space of ±1400m². At the new building, LKC provided discussion room and recreation room. With the availability of these new facilities, the library users got more convenient place to study and do their social academic life. Information literacy program was conducted more intensely for library users done by reference librarians and the availability of mobile librarians who guided the students personally or by groups to lead them into independent users who were capable in finding information and use them ethically and legally. Automated borrowing and returning was applied by RFID system. In 2010 Library café was available in at the Recreation Room.
Alam Sutera
In the year of 2011 Alam Sutra bridging Campus was established on the basis of the high demand of parents and students in Tangerang. Along with the opening of the bridging campus, on February 2012, Alam Sutra library and knowledge center was officially opened to support the needs of information.
Located in room ASB 29 and having a space of 64m2, LKC Alam Sutera provide various kinds of collections and already equipped with cutting edge multimedia facilities. LKC Alam Sutera also adopted the Automated borrowing using RFID system. Users can also search for LKC Alam Sutera collections through library website since the database were also integrated with Anggrek, Kijang, JWC Library and knowledge center.
JWC Library
On September 2001, The Joseph Wibowo Centre (JWC) library located at Jalan Hang Lekir I No. 6 was officially opened. The library caters the lecturers, postgraduate and international students. The JWC library adopted an open access service and its development was still under the coordination of Anggrek Central Library. On August 2007 its name was change to LKC-JWC Library. An intra library loan was added to the service that concerns with circulation between Anggrek and JWC libraries.
BINUS UNIVERSITY Library’s continuous improvement was still conducted. In 2002, library started the website services, in which users were able to search the books, booking the collections, as well as extending the borrowing via library website. Developing e-local content was also started on that year where in thesis S1, thesis S2, Binus articles, and clippings are made available via website access.
Kijang Library had been operated since Januari 2006, under the coordination of Anggrek Central Library.
In August 2007, the function of Anggrek Central Library had been expanded into a knowledge centre, and it was called Library and Knowledge Center (LKC). This new function accommodated information and knowledge creation as the results of teaching and learning process, as well as research activities in Binus university. Since that time, the library was called Library and Knowledge Center or LKC.
As the consequences of LKC name, Kijang library changed its name became LKC Kijang. Located in a room having space of 170m2, LKC Kijang mainly provide the collections for the English, Chinese , and Japanese Department because these departments are located at the Kijang Campus and most of Faculty of Language and Culture’s activities were conducted there. LKC Kijang also supported the operation of Self Access Language Learning Unit (SALLC) which is also located in the same room. Combining both printed and multimedia collection for language learning activities has become an advantage. In 2010 SALLC was developed into Language Center and moved at the new place, so LKC Kijang is now occupying the whole room.
The Library and Knowledge Center (LKC) BINUS@Malang has been operating since 2016. LKC Malang is located at BINUS University @ Malang, serving as a learning resource center for BINUS students, lecturers, and employees. LKC BINUS@Malang provides services to utilize various types of library collections in supporting learning activities.
The LKC BINUS@Malang has two floors: the 1st floor is 573.8 m2, and the 2nd floor is 250 m2. LKC BINUS@Malang provides 11 comfortable rooms for discussion activities; 7 rooms are on the 1st floor and 4 rooms on the 2nd floor. Each discussion room is connected to a Wi-Fi network and has a TV. Library users are in a comfortable place to learn and discuss, supported by infrastructures to help the learning process, to discuss and socialize.
LKC BINUS@Malang provides a variety of book collections and is equipped with state-of-the-art multimedia facilities. LKC Malang adopts an automatic borrowing machine using the RFID system. Users can also search the collection through the web library because the database is integrated with LKC Anggrek, Kijang, JWC, FX, Bekasi, and Bandung.
Pengembangan Perpustakaan BINUS UNIVERSITY telah dirintis sejak tahun 1982 guna mendukung kegiatan
Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu kegiatan belajar mengajar, penelitian,
dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.. Perpustakaan telah mengalami beberapa
kali pergantian nama seiring dengan pergantian nama perguruan tinggi itu
sendiri. Nama pertama yang dipakai adalah Perpustakaan Akademik Teknik
Komputer (ATK) dan menjadi Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika
dan Komputer BINA NUSANTARA pada tahun 1986. Nama yang hingga kini masih
melekat sejak tahun 1996 adalah Perpustakaan BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Tahun 1982 adalah awal pemberian
jasa kepada civitas akademika BINUS UNIVERSITY. Lokasi perpustakaan
berada di Kampus Syahdan, Jl. Kh. Syahdan No. 9, Kemanggisan, Palmerah,
Jakarta Barat. Perpustakaan menempati gedung L lantai dasar seluas ±150m2.
Jasa layanan yang diberikan menggunakan sistem manual dan tertutup
(closed access services), artinya pengguna tidak dapat langsung menuju
rak koleksi untuk mencari atau mendapatkan koleksi yang diinginkannya
Seiring dengan perkembangan BINUS UNIVERSITY, layanan yang diberikanpun
semakin berkembang. Tahun 1986 Perpustakaan berpindah tempat ke gedung
M lantai dasar. Tahun 1994 Perpustakaan menempati gedung K dan J, dengan
sistem perpustakaan yang sudah terkomputerisasi (otomasi) dan menggunakan
program Visual Foxpro. Sementara, layanan sirkulasi masih menggunakan
sistem layanan tertutup. Bulan November 1998 perpustakaan kembali pindah
menempati gedung baru di Kampus Anggrek, Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27 Jakarta
Barat, lokasi perpustakaan terletak di lantai III, IV, dan V, dengan luas
Tahun 1999 layanan perpustakaan telah terkomputerisasi dengan sistem informasi
yang kemudian diberi nama Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan (SIPus). SIPus
ini meliputi layanan bagian pengadaan, pengolahan, serta sirkulasi. Sistem
layananpun sudah terbuka (open access sevices), sehingga mahasiswa, dosen,
dan karyawan dapat mencari buku sendiri di rak. Jasa peminjaman koleksi
diberikan kepada mereka yang menjadi anggota perpustakaan. Diharapkan
dengan berubahnya sistem layanan, UPT Perpustakaan akan semakin dekat
dengan penggunanya.
Pada September 2001, Perpustakaan The Joseph Wibowo Centre (JWC) yang
berlokasi di Jalan Hang Lekir I No. 6 resmi dibuka. Perpustakaan JWC khusus
melayani dosen, mahasiswa S2, dan Kelas Internasional dengan sistem layanan
terbuka (open access services). Mahasiswa dan dosen S1 hanya dapat mengunjungi
atau membaca di tempat koleksi perpustakaan JWC.
Perkembangan UPT Perpustakaan BINUS UNIVERSITY terus berlanjut
hingga tahun 2002 dengan terus dikembangkannya SIPus dengan beberapa penambahan-penambahan
layanan. SIPus yang baru saat ini sudah dapat melayani melayani penggunanya
yang ingin menelusur, memesan (booking), dan memperpanjang pinjaman buku
via web.
Agustus 2007, Perpustakaan BINUS UNIVERSITY mengembangkan fungsi sebagai Knowledge Center
sesuai dengan Visi Binus 20/20. Fungsi ini mengakomodir proses penciptaan informasi dan
pengetahuan yang sesuai dengan kegiatan universitas. Seiring dengan bertambahnya fungsi
yang dijalankan, Perpustakaan BINUS UNIVERSITY dikenal dengan nama Library and Knowledge Center
disingkat menjadi LKC.
Tahun 2008 LKC pindah menempati ruangan baru di gedung Kampus Anggrek extention lantai 1 seluas ±1400m².
Di gedung ini,
LKC menyediakan fasilitas ruang diskusi dan ruang rekreasi. Diharapkan dengan penambahan fasilitas
ini animo pengguna semakin besar dalam mengunjungi perpustakaan juga menambah kenyamanan bagi pengguna
selama berada di perpustakaan. Disini LKC juga memakai sistem baru untuk
layanan peminjaman dan pengembalian buku dengan RFID. Dimana mahasiswa dapat juga melakukan
auto borrowing dan auto returning buku.